March 5, 2010 | By: Tracy

Well Then ...

Rather than buckle down with getting a few more queries together (I've already done my revisions & researched more agents, just need to address & send them) I spent the better part of my night listening to a Spring Training game on the radio (the Orioles lost, btw) and playing around with the layout of my blog. For people who know just how technologically challenged I am, it should come as no surprise that it took me the better part of the evening. So, I've got a buttload (that means a whole bunch) of things I'll have to squeeze into tomorrow's schedule to make up for my idleness tonight. I'm right at the ending point for the story I'm currently working on, and I'm definitely ready for it to end. I know it has a ton of plot holes that I'm going to have to go back and fix later (plus, there is a brand new story idea niggling at one side of my brain, making it difficult to concentrate on the current one). I need to get away from this one for a month or two in order to come back to it in a new light and work out the kinks, but the darn ending isn't wiggling its way out of me quick enough. Needless to say, I probably should have been working on that, rather than my blog, this evening. And sadly ... I'm no closer to understanding Mr. Darcy's awesomeness. Pride & Prejudice is sitting in the same spot on my nightstand as it was Monday night when I put it down. Perhaps Sunday I'll be able to settle down and knock out of few chapters. For now, sleep is in order. Happy Friday!

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