What the Heck is NaNoQuerMo?

NaNoQuerMo (National Novel Query Month) is a concept I totally made up while replying to a post Natalie Whipple wrote about making November her month to read as much as she could, or NaNoReaMo, as she calls it. Both concepts are spoofs of the ever-popular NaNoWriMo.

I made my comment about NaNoQuerMo jokingly at the time, but then realized it wasn’t such a bad idea. On any given day, I can find a billion reasons not to sit down and send out a query letter.

I did it a few times, months ago, before realizing my manuscript wasn’t as shiny as it could be. Now, after putting in so much more blood, sweat and tears (although, really only the tears part), my novel is about as good as I’m going to be able to make it without professional help.

Now there is a slight hesitation, because what if it’s still not enough?  We’re all writers, so I don’t need to tell you how scary that thought is. And how that slight insecurity can cause massive amounts of procrastination.

I’ve got the query (now at least).

I’ve got the polished manuscript.

I’ve got a synopsis that I hate…but then again I hate all synopsisisis.

What I usually lack is the drive to lay my ego on the line and start querying agents again. But excuses aren’t going to get me anywhere. Querying is.

So I--along with a few brave souls who also want to push through the wall of query intimidation--commit to shoving our fears and doubts to the side, and querying the hell…erm, heck…out of the month of November.

One Query.

To one agent.

Every day.

For thirty days.

NaNoQuerMo isn’t about randomly sending out queries to any agent with an email address. We won’t go sending them off willy-nilly. We’ll still research and send out clear, well thought-out letters. NaNoQuerMo will just give us the extra push to do it. It’s about breaking through the nervous hesitation that makes querying so difficult to begin (or sustain) for some of us.

One query.

To one agent.

Every day.

For thirty days.

Eazy Peazy,  :o)


Pray for us!!