November 3, 2010 | By: Tracy

I'm Not Bitter...OK, Yes I Am!

Recently, Barnes & Noble announced the upcoming release of the fully colorized version of the Nook 

Now, I only currently use mine to read e-books and review PDF’s of my own writing (during the later stages of editing). I haven’t used it for reading magazines and I’m more likely to use my BlackBerry than my Nook to access the internet. At this stage there is virtually NO reason for me to get the "Nook in Color".

But I want one… and can’t have it, because Karma is a beyotch!

Seriously. This is the second time I’ve fallen victim to B&N’s bad timing. (I fully contend it is THEIR timing that sucks, not mine)

Earlier this year--when I bought my first Nook--it just so happens I made my purchase purchase a MONTH  (as in 30 stinking days) before they slashed the price by about $100. *sigh*

Then two months ago (if that)--due to an unfortunate treadmill incident that we won't go into at this juncture--my Nook suffered a tiny comestic wound. A slight crack in the plastic casing (in a place few would even notice) which, had I bothered to read the manufacturer's warranty would have known was covered for the first year. Before one of the B&N staff was kind enough to point out the warranty oversight, I’d already bought a new one and given the other to my brother.

So that’s two times (in the past year) I’ve purchased an e-reader I didn’t absolutely need, a matter of weeks before a better deal came along. This…this is my typical luck with technology. *double sigh*

Blogger's Note:  Due to the craziness of adjusting to life with both NaNoWriMo & NaNoQuerMo at the same time, I've been a little bad about getting around to everyone's blog. Have no fear, by the end of the week I'm sure I'll have it all figured out...and if you've commented here, I'm definitely going to hit you up.

Happy Hump Day!!

4 witty remarks:

Matthew MacNish said...

Hey, at least you're filthy stinking rich enough to be able to afford two of them! Kidding, just kidding, that does suck.

And can I just say that even though I'm sad the SF Giants beat the Braves is the Divisional series, thank god we have a world champ that is not the Yankees or the Phillies? Thank god.

Anne Gallagher said...

Which is why I still have cassettes and albums. I won't buy CD's because I know there's some new technology right around the corner. and then I'll wait another 10 years so it's cheap.

Stina said...

This is why I don't rush to buy new technology (srsly don't rush!). But I know what you mean. I bought the Kobo (more known in Canada), which is in black and white. I wish it was in color. The covers would look way nicer.

I'm doing NaNoQueMo too, though I ended up just sending a batch yesterday instead of one day at a time. Okay, I was procrastinating on NaNoWraMo. ;)

Anne R. Allen said...

Anne, I LOVE it that you still have cassettes and vinyl. I do too. iPod? What's an iPod?

Stina is so right. Rushing to buy technology is always a heartbreak. No matter what you buy, it's out of date in half a minute.

Just sent query #3. Then I found a really stupid typo in the rewrite I've sent out twice. Sigh.

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